What are the options under My Account?

The My Account page is where you have full control over your subscriptions and account information.  When you visit this page, you will see a menu on the left side that lists various options.  If you would like to change a subscription, select Subscription from the menu.  This will display a list of all your subscriptions and show their status, next payment date and amount.

Each subscription will have a VIEW button that will display its details.  From here you can Pause, Play, Stop, Change Address, or Change Payment.  The following describes these action buttons:

Pause – If your subscription is active you will see a PAUSE button.  Pressing pause will temporally place your subscription on hold.  You will not be charged or receive shipments until you reactive your subscription.

Play – If your subscription is on hold your will see a PLAY button.  Pressing play will reactivate your subscription and you will receive your strings at your next renewal date.

Stop – You will always see the STOP button.  This will permanently cancel your subscription.  A new subscription would need to be created to receive strings.

Change Address – This will allow you to change the delivery address for the subscription. Each subscription will have it’s own delivery address. If you move, or change your address, you will want to change the adress for each subscription you have.

Change Payment – This will allow you to change the payment method for future renewal orders.

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